Thursday, February 16, 2012

Black History Month 2012 fifth movie

House Party
IFC airing

I don't think I have seen House Party in over 15 years. But back when I was in high school Showtime showed it at least once a week for over a year. And I must have seen it close to 40 times back then. Somehow over the years I had forgotten about the movie and how funny it is.

The plot is simple Play is throwing a party at his house,cause his parents are away on vacation. He wants his buddy Kid to come and their buddy Bilai to be the DJ at the party. Well the day of the party Kid gets in trouble at school. And he knows if his father finds out there is no way he will be able to go to the party. So he tries his best to keep his father,played by the late Robin Harris from finding out. But of course his dad finds out and grounds him.

While this is happening we see Play getting ready for the party. Plus two girls Sharane and Sidney getting ready. The party is getting started and all seems like it is going good. But of course you know something has to go wrong.

Kid manages to sneak out,cause his dad has fallen asleep watching TV. So he starts walking to the party. But runs into so bullies that were fucking with him at school that day. And after some misadventures he finally gets to Play's house.

By this time the party is in full swing. We get to see lots of scenes of people dancing. And of course with this film being over 20 years old the clothes and dances are extremely outdated. Kid and Play have a dance off with Sharane and Sidney. And right after that Kid and Play have a friendly rap battle. One of the guys at the party passed out drunk. So while Play and another guy are carrying him home ,Kid offers to walk Sidney and Sharane home. Kid just barely misses his father who has arrived at the house looking for him.

Play gets back to the party to discover that someone has broken the toilet and left a huge stinking log in it. So he says the party is over and goes about kicking people out. Kid gets Sharane home to her apartment in the projects. It seems that he might have a chance with Sharane,but we find out that Sidney has a crush on Kid. So after he walks with her to her house she invites him inside. Kid is about to get him some when Sidney's parents come home early from a party. So Kid jumps out the window and is on his way home when he runs into the bullies from earlier. This ends with the bullies and Kid getting arrested.

Now Kid is in lock up and uses his one phone call to call Play to come bail him out. Well the bullies talk some of the other guys in the lock up into raping Kid. So in an attempt to prevent this Kid launches into a freestyle rap. Somehow this keeps the rapists off him until Play gets there to bail him out. Finally sometime early in the morning Kid gets back home. He makes it all the way into his bedroom with out his father seeing him. He is about to jump into bed when his dad catches him. And the credits start to roll. During the credits we here Kid's father beating the shit outta him.

Now the film is dated. But still I was laughing my ass off through out most of the film. Shit I now want to see if it is out on Blu ray. Somehow I doubt it is,but a DVD will be almost as good. House Party gets a B+.


  1. OMG,I've been looking for this movie lol,I saw it when I was a teenager once it was odd because it was one of those random late night movies that I just happened to see and then never really heard about it again!

    I'm sure there's a second one too lol

    1. Yeah there is actually 4 House Party films. But only the first one and the third one are worth seeing. The fourth one was made for TV and doesn't have Kid or Play in it. I know that in region 1 there is a dvd out that has all four films and can be found for pretty cheap.
