Monday, October 15, 2012

31 days of Horror 2012 Extra 10

Dean Koontz's Frankenstein:Prodigal Son
Dabel Brothers Publishing

Now I have never been a huge fan of Mr Koontz's novels. I have read about 6 of them and enjoyed 2 of the six. But earlier this year I was at my local Dollar Tree and looking through their selection of books. And I found this hardcover graphic novel. So I figured for a buck I would take a chance. I took a look inside the dust jacket and saw the original price was $22.95. Which is way too much for such a thin book.

Set in New Orleans this is the story of Victor Frankenstein ,now known as Victor Helios. And his first creation Deucalion is searching for him. It seems Victor is creating more creatures,but isn't using dead bodies anymore. His new creations are more biological androids. Deucalion teams up with some homicide cops. While I did enjoy this graphic novel,the story is just barely getting going when the book is over.

Written by Chuck Dixon,art by Brett Booth,colors by Color Dojo,Andrew Dalhouse and Mohan and lettering by Bill Tortolini. This book is worth what I paid but if I had paid more than $5  I would have been pissed. While the artwork is great,always been a fan of Brett Booth, the coloring looks muddy. I am amazed that the cover price is so high. I doubt there is more than 150 pages in this book. I get a feeling that this didn't sell well that is why it ended up in Dollar Tree. Dean Koontz's Frankenstein:Prodigal Son gets a C-. And that is only cause of the good artwork.

31 days of Horror 2012 day 15

Hellraiser Revelations
Dimension Extreme DVD

Before this film came out horror fans were already hating it. Partially cause Doug Bradley was replaced as Pinhead. Plus word had gotten out that this film was only made so Dimension could keep the rights to make more Hellraiser films. So I skipped getting it for 2 years. Then I found a used copy for $3 and took a chance.

Two friends run away to Mexico where they spend many days getting fucked up. They both disappear and a year later their parents are gathered together in one of their homes.One of the guy's younger sister finds the puzzle box.She is fucking around with it and it causes her brother to appear out of nowhere.After a bunch of boring bullshit the Cenobites show up. Really there isn't much to say about this film. The new Pinhead looks like shit. The acting is bad. At least the FX work is ok. It is barely worth the $3 I paid. And mainly that is cause I am a huge fan of the Hellraiser franchise. Hellraiser Revelations gets a D+.