Wednesday, October 9, 2019

31 Days of Horror Day 09 Reanimator Academy

TITLE-Reanimator Academy
SOURCE-Kings of Horror Youtube channel

The VHS cover above is the same one I saw in my late teens at Pharmor Video. Back then  Pharmor had a great deal. You could get 6 vhs for 3 days for 3 bucks. I had already watched all the known horror movies Pharmor had. Saw the cover for Reanimator Academy and figured fuck it I will rent this.For some reason when I rented the movie I didn't get a chance to watch it. I can't remember why. I returned the movies and not long after that Pharmor closed.

Skip ahead to earlier this year. I was starting to gather stuff to watch for 31 days of horror. And as I have the past 3 years I went and checked the Kings of Horror Youtube channel to see if they had anything I wanted to see. Saw Reanimator Academy and ripped it. Tossed it on a flash drive. Then earlier today plugged that flash drive into my old trusty Blu Ray player and started up a film I had been wanting to watch since 1992...

This film is putrid.  It is barely over an hour. And still feels so padded out. Going in I was expecting some gore,maybe some 90s style nudity and maybe a undiscovered classic.....

I got none of the three. The gore is almost non-existent. There was no nudity that I remember. And I see why this film is never talked about. It is bad. Bad acting,bad FX work and bad dialogue.

A nerdy member of a frat has created a formula that revives the dead. Two mobsters,who look and talk like gangsters in the old Looney Tunes shorts,have to revive their boss's hooker. And we get a revived skull that cracks lots of bad jokes.

I don't mind low budget horror. But only if you can tell whoever made the film was trying their best and are fans of the horror genre. This film feels like the people behind the scenes didn't even  try. And the plot feels more like a crime drama than a horror film.

Anyways if you really want  to see this pile of donkey it is in full on Youtube.
Reanimator Academy gets a F+.