TITLE-Blue Beetle Graduation Day
FORMAT-Trade Paperback
Back earlier in 2023 I heard a Blue Beetle movie was coming out. Then heard it wasn't gonna be Ted Kord as Beetle and I figured ok I will just wait till the film hits streaming to watch it. Cause while I have been told the current Blue Beetle(Jaime Reyes) is a unique take on this generational hero I rather not pay 12 bucks for a ticket to a movie with a version of a hero I am not use to.
Then not long before the film came out I was in Walmart,one of the major drawbacks of living outside a small town is there isn't many places to shop. And in the book section I saw the TPB pictured up above. A TPB that reprints the 6 issue long Blue Beetle Graduation Day mini series. And included a HUGE pull out poster. With it only being 15 bucks for the TPB I took a chance. IE I bought it tossed it onto the "To Read one day" pile and forgot about it.
Not many months into 2023 my mother let me know she didn't feel like she should drive anymore. Which means when she has to go see her doctors I now drive her. No biggie. Back in September she had an appointment to see one of her many doctors,nothing major just a check up to make sure her meds were working. Knowing that usually waiting rooms have nothing worth reading and if there is a TV it is tuned into a News channel when I have to drive Mom to an appointment I will load a few podcasts up onto my tablet and bring a comic book hardcover/TPB/OGN with me to read.
This day I over slept. Got up and instead of having an hour or so to get ready I had 20 minutes. Instead of my normal going through my unread pile and narrowing it down to 2 or 3 books I just grabbed the first TPB that caught my eye.
Get her to her appointment 10 minutes early. Sit down put on the newest episode of The Movie Graveyard podcast and started reading my first Jaime Reyes Blue Beetle comic.
In what felt like 10 minutes,turned out to be closer to an hour,Mom was done and I still had 2 issues to read. And as soon as I got home I made lunch and sat down and finished this TPB.
Now sure I knew the basics of Jaime becoming the new BB. And I have always enjoyed how DC has different generations of a hero. Like how there has been what 4 or 5 official Robins so far. As a kid and teen I had read the second Blue Beetle,TeD Kord,in his own series then his time in the Justice League. This 6 issue collection does a good job of not only explaining Jaime and his family but also showing what makes Jaime different from the two previous Blue Beetles.
Jaime is suppose to be at his high school graduation,nope he is off fighting a super villain. And in this battle which only lasts a few pages the writer,Josh Trujillo, gives a good glimpse into Jaime's personality. For me he reminds me of how Stan Lee wrote Peter Parker for those first 50 issues.
After defeating the villain Reyes heads off to his graduation. Here is a minor complaint I have about this mini series. Jaime Reyes and his family speak Spanish in this comic. Cool. But we are not given a translation. Yea I took 2 years of Spanish in high school. Like with any skill if you don't use it often you lose your ability in it. And after halfway learning Spanish I didn't use that skill for so long the only Spanish I remember is all lucha libre terms.
And this is why in an hour I only got 4 issues read. I was having to stop get my phone and use Google Translate to find out what was being said. Normally the average comic from DC or Marvel I can read an issue in 4 to 7 minutes tops. This one was taking me much longer cause of having to pause to translate.
Reyes family hates him being in danger cause of his powers. Which are supplied by a Scarab. And Jamie is sent off to live with family in another town for the summer. Plus Superman meets up with Jaime and after a talk we are given the impression that Jaime is more powerful than he knows.
These 6 issues do what they are suppose to do. Introduce us to this new Blue Beetle. Give us various future story ideas. And if what I have read about the Blue Beetle movie is true these 6 issues were changed a bit and that is what the film is based on.
Adrian Gutierrez hands the pencils and now he is a name I will look out for. The art is a neat mixture of manga style with modern Capeshit style.
This collection also did what I am assuming they wanted it to do. Give the people that see the Blue Beetle a easy entry into the Blue Beetle comics. Cause that is an issue with Comic Book Movies. Think about it this way,say you see a few of the X-men films and now want to read the comics. Where do you start with X-men? And having read the X-titles for over a decade straight I can't think of a great starting point. Blue Beetle Graduation Day TPB is that great starting point.
After finishing this TPB I went and added the next one to my wishlist. Planning on one day ordering it.
Blue Beetle Graduation Day TPB gets a C+.