Monday, October 31, 2011

31 days of horror Year 3 day 31 sixth film

My Bloody Valentine
Lionsgate Uncut DVD

I saw this years ago on HBO at my cousin's house. And enjoyed it. But I kept hearing about how much was cut out.So I keep looking for a uncut release. Then in 2009 right before the 3d remake hit theaters,Lionsgate released a uncut version to DVD.

20 years ago there was a cave in ,in the local mine. And 5 guys got trapped. By the time a rescue crew go to them there was only one guy left alive. He had survived by eating his dead co-workers bodys.This all happened on Valentines day. So the town quits celebrating that holiday

Flash forward to the early 80s. This will be the first year that the town celebrates Valentines Day. There is gonna be a huge dance. And most of the mine workers will be there. But someone ,wearing a miner's mask,is out there killing off people in some pretty gruesome ways.

Now that the film is uncut,we finally get to see how gory this film was meant to be. The former cut footage is of lesser quality,but still looks pretty good. We get some great kills. Plus this is one of the few slashers I have seen where most of the cast is 20's and 30's instead of teenagers. My Bloody Valentine gets a B.

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