Saturday, October 3, 2020

31 Days of Horror 2020 Day 03 Trailer Park Shark

TITLE-Trailer Park Shark

Last year while looking at used media at a thrift I found Trailer Park Shark. Saw the title and that it stars Tara Reid and Dennis "Mr Belding"Haskins so grabbed it.

Made in 2017 this modern piece of Sharkploitation cinema was directed by Griff Furst. Who is best known for directing stuff like Swamp Shark,Atomic Shark and Ghost Shark.

The Soggey Meadows Trailer Park gets badly flooded. Causing the residents to end up on top of their mobile homes. And with all that water there is also a shark.

Pretty sure this debuted on SyFy channel on Saturday night. And it feels like one of the many Sharkploitation films you would see groups like NuImage or say The Asylum pump out.

Now of course with this being low budget Tara Reid's part is a cameo basically. But she at least supplies the residents of Soggey Meadows with weapons to fight off the sharks. Dennis Haskins is our villain and he is pretty good playing the role.

As long as you go into this movie knowing you are gonna get a low budget Sharkploitation film you should enjoy it. There is much much worst Sharkploitation films. But there is also much better Sharkploitation films. This one at least realizes it has a crappy premise and runs with that.

Trailer Park Shark gets a C+.