Tuesday, October 15, 2024

31 Days of Horror 2024 Day 15 Camp Blood 8 Revelations


TITLE-Camp Blood 8 Revelations


I have known of the low budget slasher series Camp Blood for close to 20 years now. Never watched any of them. Mostly cause I never see the DVDs for sale in any store.

Was scrolling through TUBI,the modern day mom & Pop Video store,and had a friend messge me "Go to TUBI watch Camp Blood 8". Knowing her taste in horror is similar to mine I put on the movie.

2 hours later,stopped 2 times to get a snack and go piss,I had finally seen a Camp Blood movie. Did some research and found out that there is more than 8,some were not numbered. And almost all of them are on Tubi.

Camp Blood is rural area filled with woods. Once years ago a man in clown make up roamed the woods killing whoever was in them. But he is gone,replaced by his son who just wears a  clown mask and the son's insanee mother.

A bus bringing a Girls Beach Volleyball team to Salt Lake City breaks down. And we got our ladies wandering the woods.

2 of them find what looks to be an abandoned warehouse. Another gets captured and tied to an ottoman in Clownmask's living room. Where she is forced to make up son's about the mother's tits and ass. And another two run into Coolduder,YT personality,who lives in a cabin and is a survivalist.

 Maybe 10 minutes into the movie we find out that Clownmask has a sister that wwas abandoned in the woods. At first I was thinking the asian lady that is in the warehouse was this sister all grown up. Nope turns out it is the volleyball girl in Coolduder's cabin. 

But right when it looks like the sister is gonna do a heel turn Clownmask shows up and kills her.

The kills are bloody but cheap. The acting is either ok or horrid. Even with all these flaws I had a blast watching this. 

Plus even without seeing the previous films I didn't have trouble keeping up with this one. Seems there is a bit of Camp Blood lore in this franchise. Thankfully the scenes with the mother and the girl tied to the ottoman answered the few questions I had.

Camp Blood 8 gets a C-.

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