Monday, October 26, 2020

31 Days of Horror 2020 Day 26 Savage Vengeance


TITLE-Savage Vengeance

SOURCE-Eden Entertainment DVD

Back in 2002 I was staying during Xmas at a good friend's home. Like me he is a life long horror fan. Since I was spending all of Xmas Eve and Xmas day out seeing friends and family members,my buddy and I exchanged wrestling gifts on December 23rd. I had got him this huge coffee table book about the Tales from the Crypt comic and tv show. He handed me a box full of horror DVDs. Stuff like "Please Don't eat my Mother" was in that box. At the very bottom was a dvd in a slimline case. The picture at the top is the cover of this DVD.  

So what is Savage Vengeance? It's a rape/revenge movie. Made by the infamous Donald Farmer. No one seems to know when the film was actually made. But it got released in 1993. That release was straight to video, And the vhs from that release isn't easy to find. But then most Donald Farmer films didn't get big releases. Until fairly recently the above pictured DVD was the only other release this film got. Eden Entertainment was the company that put out the DVD. I did some research and seems Eden was a sub division of a porn company. All of Eden's releases came in slimline cases. And lots of the horror films they put out are part of their I will Dance on your Grave line. None of the films in this line are connected. And out of all of them Savage Vengeance is the best known film in that line. Recently Massacre Video put the film out on DVD. Which is a good thing. Until the Massacre Video DVD the Eden Entertainment DVD was out of print and selling for highly inflated prices.  Which I find funny cause for years you could find dealers at flea markets who had piles of all the Eden Entertainment DVDs. And usually they were asking between a buck and 3 bucks per DVD.

Now I'm sure you are wondering why a shitty DTV Rape/Revenge film would be in high demand. Well there is a major reason for this. That is because Savage Vengeance is an unofficial sequel to the infamous I Spit on Your Grave. Somehow Donald Farmer managed to get Camille Keaton to star in this low budget piece of crap film. For some reason Camille used the alias Vickie Kehl. Maybe she was so embarassed by how bad the film is she refused to have her name on the film. 

Camille plays Jennifer again. And in another great thing about this film everytime Jennifer's last name is said it is muted. I am guessing Meir Zarchi was gonna sue. So Donald Farmer tried all he could to prevent being sued. After the events of I Spit on your Grave Jennifer is tired and  not convicted of killing the men that raped her in the first film.Jennifer goes on a vacation with her friend Sam. 

They get to a cottage they are renting for the vacation. Sam is digusted by the condition of the cottage and goes for a walk. Sam gets raped and killed while on this walk. The next day Jennifer goes looking for Sam. She meets up with the two guys that raped and killed Sam. They tell her they know where Sam is and will take her there. 

They arrive to the place and Jennifer finds out Sam is dead.Jennifer runs out of the house into the woods. The guys come after her. They catch her. One of them rapes her. And the other stabs her in the chest. And leave her in the woods thinking she is dead.

Jennifer gets out of the woods,hitchhikes and starts to plan her revenge. The two rapists find out that a woman looking like Jennifer has recently bought a bunch of weapons.One of the two is dumb as fuck and takes a walk in the woods. He runs into Jennifer. Who uses a chainsaw to cut off his head. Then Jennifer goes and confronts the other guy. Chases him out of the house. And shoots him in the balls with a shotgun. Leaving him laying there to bleed to death.

Yea I know this film sounds horrible. ANd it is way way worse than it sounds. I just did some more research. Seems the film was made in 1988. And that rare VHS release I mentioned,it appears all that was made was screener tapes. For those that don't know screener tapes are what are made and sent out for free to video stores and places that sell movies. That way these places can watch the film and see if they want to buy copies to sell. I am guessing no place ordered copies of Savage Vengeance. So until the Eden Entertainment DVD came out this film was pretty much impossible to see.

Savage Vengeance gets a F.

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