Wednesday, October 30, 2019

31 Days of Horror Day 30 Fangoria Presents Sin Reaper

TITLE-Sin Reaper
SOURCE-Fangoria Presents DVD

Last year as part of my birthday gifts I was given all the films from the 2010s era Fangoria Presents line. I had never seen any of them. But had seen some films Fangoria released in the late 90s,and those films were crap. Boring with bad FX work and bad acting.

Sin Reaper has a great cover...that is the art I used at the top. Sadly the cover is the best thing about the film. Here is the non-region 1 dvd cover...

Yea it looks so generic.

Samantha has been having horrific nightmares for years now. So her therapist,Lance Henrikson in a tiny role,tells he to goto Germany. Which is the location of most of her dreams.Once she arrives the killer from her dream shows up and starts killing.

Wow that isn't a bad idea. But it is so horribly executed that the film suffers from it. The main actress is suppose to be from the USA but she has a super thick Eastern Europeon accent. Which makes it even odder when another person in the film makes it a point to comment on her accent,"Oh Good,you're American!" WTF

The kills are crap. Like really you got a great costume and weapon for the killer. Looks like something off an 80s era Heavy Metal album cover.

It appears that in other regions this film was released in 3d. But for some reason Fango didn't bother putting out the 3d version in region 1.

It's odd Fango was quick to give shitty movies a bad review. But everything they have "presented" filmwise has been total shit.  So far only the Fangoria Blood Drive series being worth watching.

So avoid this horrible film. Even if it is cheap avoid it. Sure the cover is great. But this is just like those oversized gory as fuck big box vhs releases from when I was a kid. The cover looked amazing then you watched the film and it was a total pile of shit.

Sin Reaper gets a F-.

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