Friday, October 23, 2009

31 days of horror Day 23

The Hills have Eyes-Unrated Remake

Source- 20th century fox DVD

A family of 7 are traveling though Yuma Flats heading to California. They stop at a gas station for fuel,and the gas station attendant tells them about a short cut. Turns out this is a set up,on the shortcut they end up driving over something that pops their tires. They crash into a rock. The dad and the oldest sister's husband head out to look for help. And as night falls all hell breaks loose. 2 mutated men attack the camper,while another ties the father to a Joshua tree and sets it on fire. After a gruesome battle,the oldest sister,the mom,and the father are all dead. And the oldest sister's baby has been kidnapped. The husband heads out to get his baby back,while the brother and younger sister stay behind. The two siblings booby trap the area around the trunk and camp and wait. The husband comes upon a town that was built when the government was testing nuclear bombs in this area. He sneaks into a house a finds his child there,but on his way out he is attacked by one of the mutants. He comes too and is inside a freezer that is full of various body parts. Turns out these mutants are the descendants of the miners that refused to leave the area when the nuclear testing was happening. The husband ends up killing most of the mutants and sees a younger female one running off into the hills with his child. He follows and has to fight off the leader of the mutants,the fight is long and bloody,but at the end he knocks him down and think he has killed the mutant. The young female mutant hands over the baby,and sees that the leader is about to attack the husband again,she ends up tackling the leader and they both fall over a cliff. Finally victorious the husband,with his baby in tow,head back to meet up with the other two. They hug and all that kind of happy shit. Then the camera pulls out and we realize someone in the hills is still watching them. The end. This wasn't a bad remake,it took parts of the Wes Craven original. But changed enough to not end up being a total rehash. The special effects were really good The makeup on the various mutants was a highlight for me. It is worth seeing,either by buying it for cheap or a rental. The Hills have eyes remake gets a C+ from me.

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