Friday, October 20, 2023

31 Days of Horror 2023 Day 20 NOTLD 30th Anniversary edition


TITLE-Night of the Living Dead 30 Anniversary cut


I remember when this came out. Huge long article in Video Watchdog about how horrible all the added footage was. And how the new soundtrack was horrible. I skipped it.And for 20 or so years later I have never seen anyone defend this cut of the classic piece of modern horror.

What happened was John Russo went and filmed a few new scenes. Added a new soundtrack and hoped this version would be the one everyone bought. Nope. There was already a great cleaned up laserdisc of the original 68 cut. Word was out fast that that 5 buck VHS Aunt Nez got you for First Communion from Fred's Drug store is a better version.

So what is the added scenes. Mostly it shows the Beekman's diner massacre. You know where Ben came from before he got to the farm house. Then we get Debbie Rochon in some newsclips. And IIRC the new soundtrack composer shows up as some kind of hellfire and brimstone preacher.

So why did I buy this knowing it was total shit? In the small town I live outside if you want any film and it isnt a new release you gotta either get it online or hope one of the local thrifts or pawn shops has a copy. 

One pawn shop normally wants a buck for a dvd and 2 bucks for Blu rays. But the owners know me now and know when I come in I will spend at least 20 bucks. So they have told me "How about X amount of movies for 20 bucks." Which means sometimes I grab stuff just too hit that number that is X. 

I was in that pawn. Needed 3 more movies to hit the number,where I will get them for 3 for a buck. I saw NOTLD. "Oh if this has a cool cover I will grab it." Then saw it was the 30th  anniversary edition. 

Today was the third time I have watched it. First time was the night after I bought it. And after finishing it I was tempted to toss the dvd into the give away bin. Second time was after telling someone how bad it was,and they didnt believe me. Third was today.

3 strikes and you are out NOTLD 30th Anniversary DVD. Got a good idea who's Newtcrate this is gonna be added too.

NOTLD 30th Anniversary edition gets a F.

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