Sunday, October 3, 2021

31 Days of Horror 2021 Day 03 Violent Shit


TITLE-Violent Shit


In 90 or 91 at a convention I learned about Andreas Schnaas. This homemade gore film set in West Germany became a huge underground hit. With copies of the unsubbed German dialogue film being traded and sold all over the US. Even not understanding German the film was easy to follow.

Karl is a young male and has an abusive mother. He kills her with his trusty meat cleaver. 20 years later Karl escapes custody. And from then till the end of the film we get a series of events so that various people are off in the countryside near Karl. Karl wanders up kills then in graphic ways and wanders off.

After each kill we see that for some reason Karl is falling apart Near the end Karl finds Jesus in a church. Jesus is killed and Karl climbs up inside the corpse like he is on Hoth and Jesus is a tautaun.

Not long after this Karl kills a few more outside the church.He rips himself open and reveals a baby.

I got this film as part of Synapses Violent Shit Collection. A cheap and easy to find way to see all these films. There is 4 or five films total in the Violent Shit series. And there is no other way to get them in English so easily.

For being an amatuer film done on a very low budget I was surprised at how good the gore effects are. The acting..well it is not that good. But I've seen much worse acting in low budget horror movies.

After seeing this film in German on a bootleg VHS decades ago I had been wanting to see the film and the first 2 sequels for a long time. But I just kept forgetting to order a copy. Then a friend last year was on a horror/gore kick. He bought the Synapse set and raved about it. I took the chance and ordered the set and wow it is worth the money.

Violent Shit gets a B-.

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