Tuesday, October 6, 2020

31 Days of Horror 2020 Day 06 Resident Evil

TITLE-Resident Evil

Wow hard to believe this film came out almost 20 years ago. I can remember hearing that a Resident Evil movie was gonna happen and that George Romero,RIP Sir,was going to direct it. So myself and every horror fan I knew was super excited.

Then we hear that nope Romero isn't going to direct it. Instead Paul W.S. Anderson is the director. And he cast his wife Milla Jovovich as the lead.

Under Raccon City the Umbrella corp is doing some nasty stuff. After someone steals some of the T-virus. This causes the computer that is in control of the old mansion this is happening under to shut down the mansion.

Milla plays Alice. She wakes up in the mansion. And quickly meets up with a commando team that has been sent in to take care of the issue.

So instead of say a good moody zombie horror film,we got a action film with zombies. Back when I first saw this I enjoyed it but kept thinking "Man I hope the sequels are closer to the games." I had no clue back then that each film in this franchise would get more and more away from the games.

The FX work is pretty damn good. The scene where the security lasers cut a bunch of the commandos into pieces is well done. Too bad the acting is all pretty much shit.

Milla is a gorgeous woman. But her acting talent isn't that great. Really the best actor/actress in this film is Michelle Rodriguez. But Michelle is just playing the tough woman role she seems to be stuck playing for the past 30 years now.

There is currently 5 films in this series. I saw the second and third film. And they were so bad I just gave up on this franchise.

Back when this came out it was considered the best movie based on a video game.Back then it's competition was shit like Super Mario Brothers,Street Fighter and those two horrible Mortal Kombat films. I have been trying to think if there is a movie based on a video game that is better than Resident Evil,and I can't think of any that are live action.  But the Double Dragon movie comes close to being better than this film.

Resident Evil gets a C+.

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