Friday, October 5, 2018

31 Days of Horror Day 05 Amityville:No Escape

Title-Amityville:No Escape

Yep another low budget unofficial Amityville sequel. This one from the folks at Camp Motion  Pictures. Camp has become known over the past 15 years for bringing lots of 80s and 90s DTV horror movies to DVD. Stuff like Ghoul School,Video Violence 1&2 and the infamous Splatter Farm.The past few years they have even started making new movies. In 2016 they released Amityville No Escape.No one working behind or in front of the camera is anyone I have ever heard of.

Like lots of indie horror in the past 5 or so years Amityville No Escape is a found footage film. Fuck I am so tired of low budget ,and even big budget ,found footage films. Released at the end of summer in 2016 Amityville No Escape is about a group of college students that go off into the woods of Amityville. They go into these woods,supposedly the most haunted woods on the planet.

The movie was originally titled The Fear Tapes. I am assuming it was retitled after filming in hopes that people would rent/buy it cause they thought it was part of the official Amityville franchise.

The cast tries their best. And are pretty good. But they aren't given much to work with.The film's low budget and rushed production show. I am not a fan of found footage movies. The last 10 years it is more of an excuse to have shitty acting,camera work,etc. And Amityville No Escape has it's share of bad camera work.Why must every found footage film be filled with shaky cam?

I do like how since part of the film is set in the mid 90s whoever was in  charge of the production tries to make sure everyone is wearing 97ish clothing. And even the footage from the 90s part of the film are in 4:3 instead of 16:9. But that and the film's short running time,with credits and all it is barely 78 minutes long,are the only good parts of the film.

One other positive I can say for Amityville No Escape is it isn't the worst found footage Amityville movie. That would be the previously reviewed Amityville Haunting. Amityville No Escape is a half step better than that piece of crap.

Amityville:No Escape gets a D+.

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