Friday, October 27, 2017

31 Days of Horror Day 27 The langoliers

Title-Stephen King's The Langoliers

I am pretty sure the last time I saw this was when it first aired back in 95. Found the almost 3 hour,looks like a DVD rip,cut on Youtube. And thought hell I need to rewatch this.

When it first aired I had read the novella it is based on. And wondered why a novella need right at 3 hours to tell the story.

The cast is a decent mix of tv vets that are average actors and one horrible misstep. The actress playing the King trope of somewhat psychic pre-teen,who is also blind,is almost as bad as the kid from House by the cemetery.

But the real stand out in this bloated,slightly hampered by a TV budget,film is Bronson Pinchot. He chews the scenes as the crazy real villain.

From what I can remember the movie follows the novella fairly close. With stuff added to the movie ,unneeded padding.

The Langoliers gets a C+

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