Thursday, December 29, 2016

2016 Comic Challenge 290 The Punisher Kills the Marvel Universe

TITLE-The Punisher Kills the Marvel Universe
PUBLISHER-Marvel Comics

Yeah,I know I should have read this one shot years ago. Being a huge fan of both The Punisher and Garth Ennis.But even though I have owned it for close to 10 years I never read it.

Set in a universe were Frank  Castle's family dies in Central Park.Innocents killed in the crossfire between a huge battle,Avengers and X-men vs aliens. Frank snaps when  he gets to the scene. Pulls out his sidearm and kills Cyclops and a bunch of other heroes. He is stopped and sentenced to life in jail.

But a group of rich civilians all of whom either got injured cause of superhero battles or who lost loved ones cause of the same.This part really feels like the genesis of Ennis' later series "The Boys".

Frank agrees,and over the course of this longer than normal comic he manages to kill off every hero and villain in the Marvel Universe.

Finally after killing the last hero,Daredevil,Frank goes to tell the people supplying him  with the ways and means to finish this mission. And lets them know he is done. After being told that he will never be done,Frank kills all of them. Then remembers there is one superhero/villain left. And in the next to last panel Frank Castle eats a bullet and dies.

Fuck this was good. I know it is kind of popular now to rag on Ennis and what the fanboys perceive as his hatred of superheroes. To me it feels more like Ennis deeply loves superheroes and is tired of seeing the same regurgitated crap being published for decades now. So made a simple change,instead of the Mafia killing the Castle family it is super powered beings,and brings us a damn good story. One that thankfully I doubt will ever get a sequel.

The Punisher Kills the Marvel Universe gets a BUY!

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