Wednesday, June 22, 2016

2016 Comic Challenge 196 Kull volume 3 #09

TITLE-Kull Volume 3 #09

Look at that cover. A cover so stunning it made me break one of my rules about buying comics at a con. I was digging through this one dealers longboxes.Nothing was priced so I figured he had one set price per issue. And the stuff I was seeing I figured he was gonna ask $5 a comic but I should be able to talk him down to 3 if I both a few. Well turns out the only thing I really wanted was this issue of Kull. All because of the Barry Smith cover.

So I asked the dealer what he wanted for it. "Let me look it up in the Overstreet."I made a rule years ago that any dealer that did that well they were not gonna get my business. But since the comic wasn't mint I thought maybe the guide would be in my favor. So I broke my rule. A few minutes later he has looked it up and guide price was $2. Score for me.

Sadly the interior pales when compared to the cover. John Buscema's pencils are really good. But they don't come close to that BWS cover. The story is OK. I have found that the Kull comics from Marvel are never that well written.

Kull volume 3 #09 gets a borrow,unless you find it cheap.

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