Monday, April 8, 2013

Multipak Mondays 04/08/2013

Gorehouse Greats collection
Millcreek Entertainment

This is a nice set of late 60s through early 90s drive in horror. With pretty much all the films from Crown International. Now before a few years ago I had no idea who Crown International was. But it seems they were a low budget version of Roger Corman's films.

Blood of Dracula's Castle-83 minutes This is from 1969,and is the  one oldest film in the set. And also looks the worst. There is piles of print damage. And through out most of the film green lines speckle the frame. Nothing about this film stands out to me. But it seems to have a fanbase. Which is mostly people that saw this lots on late night TV. To me it was your normal low budget vampire film.

Blood Mania-80 minutes From 1970 film is more of a drama than a horror film. Pretty much lots of talking heads. But still worth watching at least once.

Brain Twisters-91 minutes From 1991 this is the newest film on the set. It is about a group of people using computers to control people's minds. Not bad really. But nothing worth tracking down.

The Devil's Hand-71 minutes This 1962 film is filled with voodoo,cults and human sacrifices. Was surprised at how much fun this was.

The Madman of Mandoras-73 minutes This 1963 black and white film is more commonly known as "They Saved Hitler's Brain". Well known in bad movie circles. It is actually two films that have been stitched together.

Nightmare in Wax-94 minutes Starring Cameron Mitchel,this is a fun little slice of cheese. Set in a wax museum. Lots of great scenes and this film alone is worth the price of the set.

Prime Evil-86 minutes Mid 80s  about evil monks. By sacrificing people these monks live forever. Pretty decent film,and another one of the set that I can see myself watching more than once.

Satan's Slave-87 minutes A young lady is on her way for a nice vacation. But gets kidnapped and tortured by her uncle and cousin. Really great film,that either Code Red or Scorpion have put out a remastered DVD of. I enjoyed this one enough that I will buy the remastered DVD soon.

Stanley-106 minutes Very fun film about a first nations guy who comes back Nam and goes to live in the Florida everglades.He teaches his pet snake to kill people. I know before they folded BCI put out a great DVD of this. But the print on here looks great.

Terrified-80 minutes A college student is targeted by a stranger. Nice suspenseful thriller.

Terror-84 minutes Slow moving creature feature. Watched it once and doubt I ever watch it again.

Trip with the Teacher-89 minutes Starring a young Zalman King,this is  a great slice of mid 70s drive in cheese. A group of bikers kidnap a teacher and her students,while they are on a field trip. Very sleazy. Plus Zalman looks like mid 90s era Bono of U2 fame.

So out of the 12 films,6 of them are pretty damn good. With only  a handful of truly bad films. Online it sells for around 10 bucks. But I see it all the time for $5 at various stores. At 10 bucks it is a decent deal. At $5 it is a great deal. Worth tracking down if you enjoy low budget drive in style cinema.


  1. Trip With Teacher and Stanley made this worth the purchase for me. I tried to share this post on but it's blacked in protest of Cispa. I will try another time.

  2. Ahh thank you. Yeah those two are the best films on the set.
