Friday, June 8, 2012

Punisher War Zone

Punisher War Zone
Lionsgate DVD

I have been a fan of the Punisher character since around the mid 80s. So in the late 80s and I heard about the upcoming Punisher film starring Dolph Lundgren as the Punisher I was very excited. Well the film never got a theatrical release in the USA. But as soon as it came out on VHS I rent it and hated it. Then in the mid 2000s I heard about a new Punisher film. This one came out in 2004 and actually got a wide theatrical release. I went opening night and was so fucking mad at how bad the movie was. So by the time Punisher War Zone came out I wasn't expecting a good film. Now for some reason no theater in my area got the film. And since the first two has sucked so much I didn't even bother renting it when the film hit DVD. Well fast forward to 2010,I am at a panel at Coast Con. And the host of the panel is telling me how great the film is. So as soon as I got back home I put it at the top of my Netflix queue. Got it in and ended up watching it 4 times in 4 days. Then went out and bought the DVD.

The Punisher this time is played by Ray Stevenson. And Ray does a great job as Frank Castle. The film is somewhat based based on Garth Ennis's run on the Punisher comic. What we get is one of the best action films in years. With in the first 20 minutes close to 100 people have died,most of them in amazing ways. I love how the film used Jigsaw. Jigsaw was one of the Punisher's few recurring villains in the comics. Dominic West is really good as Jigsaw,he captures the over the top aspects of Jigsaw. Wayne Knight as Microchip almost steals the show. But really the action is what makes this film so great. It perfectly captures the feel of the comic. Sadly the film did horrible at the box office. I want to say it is one of the lowest grossing theatrical released films based on a Marvel comic. So any chance of a sequel is very very slim. Which is too bad,cause since the film has come out it has gotten a cult following.

There is 2 versions of the DVD. A single disc and a double disc version. Now I have the single disc version. And besides a trailer it has no extras. Punisher War Zone gets a A.

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