Saturday, October 22, 2011

31 days of horror year 3 comics 02

Foul Play is one of the most infamous stories in the history of EC comics. Back in the 90s a company was reprinting lots of the EC stuff. Each issue would reprint one of the horror comics and also either one of the crime comics or sci fi stuff. I was picking up almost everyone of these. Cause I love all the EC stuff. Well one day in Chemistry class I saw that someone had left a comic in my desk. I look down and it is a issue of the reprint line of Tales from the crypt.

We start off at a baseball game.The score is tied. And a runner while sliding into the base spikes the guy on the base with his cleats. Well the next inning the spiked player gets up to bat and dies. Turns out he has been poisoned. Well the team figures out what has happened and invited the player that poisoned the other one to a special night at the ball park. They attack him and kill him. Then we get to some of the most gruesome panels in a comic that has ever been printed and given a major release. They use the dead players various bodyparts for the game. His arms and legs are the bats. His intestines are the baselines. And his head is the ball.

This story is one of the reasons Frederic Wortham started his crusade against comics. Some people say that with this story EC went too far. And it is pretty graphic for a comic that was out on the newstands at that time. Sure now we get stuff that is even more graphic,but that stuff only goes to comic shops and the owners known in advance about it. When I first read this I didn't know anything about it and was mildly shocked by it.Foul Play to this day is one of my favorite horror comic stories ever. Foul Play gets a A+.

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