Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Silver Age Classics Adventure Comics # 247

Silver Age Classics Adventure Comics #247 is another of the reprint comics DC put out in 1992. This issue has the first appearence of the Legion of Superheroes. Who were the first team to appear in DC's Silver Age. I was a huge Legion fan when I was a kid. Mainly cause I was picking up the last year or so of Adventure comics. Adventure Comics in it's last year or so had become a digest sized comic that reprints all kinds of Golden age and Silver age stories. And most issues had at least 2 or 3 Silver Age Legion stories.

The comics starts off with a story titled "The Legion of Superheroes" which is written by Otto Binder and art by Al Plastino. This story is about how 3 of the Legion members travel back in time to see if Superboy is quailified to be a member of the Legion. While it is your normal Silver Age silliness from DC,what really stands out to me is how the Legion act like total asshole to Superboy. The second story is a Green Arrow tale titled "The 13 Superstition Arrows". Sadly it is now unknown who wrote this tale,but the artwork is by George Papp. This is from back when Green Arrow was just a Batman clone. The story is about some man who has died and if Green Arrow will use a set of 13 arrows to fight crime. Green Arrow ends up having to use arrows such as ,A three on a match arrow,broken mirror arrow,ladder arrow,and other such silly arrows. Overall this is a fun mindless story. The final story is a Aquaman story titled "Aquaman's Super Sea-Squad". Again it is unknown who wrote this story but the art is by Ramona Fradon. And Ramona's artwork is the only good part of this shitty story. I have never been a fan of Aquaman,and his Silver Age adventures are a chore to read. Silver Age Classics Adventure Comics #247 gets a C-.

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