Sunday, February 6, 2011

Mississippi Championship Wrestling TV show 02/05/2011

MCW tv show 02/05/2011

This is the premiere episode of the MCW TV show. Airing at 6am till 7am on FOX 40 outta Jackson MS. Show starts off Kenny Marcell in the ring welcoming us to MCW. Show is held at the Jackson arena,and they run the address across the screen. Seems we are gonna get a interview with the Bruise Brothers. But first we are gonna get an interview with the Wild Childs of the City. Kenny ask them to come to the ring. "Do you think I'm Sexy" hits the speakers and 3 guys head to the ring. One of them is Monty Warbucks. Monty gets on the mic and complains that the music wasn't cut off when they hit the ring. It seems that Monty is the mouthpiece/manager and the team is made up of the 21st century Playboy Jason Rose and The Golden Boy Brian Rival. Rose looks a little like AWA era Doug Sommers. Monty cuts a good promo Calvin Rose. And how on his ride up from Louisiana ,that once he hit Mississippi he noticed all the bad smells. Jason Rose gets the mic. He talks about how all the people in TV land should be happy that 3 of the best professional athletes are standing right before you. Then Brian Rival gets the mic and ask the audience to clap for Monty. Then calls the audience idiots for clapping on command. Monty gets the mic back and keeps cutting down Calvin Rose. And mentions that a few weeks back he piledrove Calvin on the floor. And mentions how he knows that Calvin's neck is hurt. "I wanna hear it loud" is on the speakers. And Calvin Rose comes to the ring with a chair. Kenny stops Calvin from attacking the Wild Childs. And Kenny says we are gonna get a match between Calvin Rose and Monty Warbucks later on in the show. And it will be the main event. We go to a commercial break and a James Brown song leads us outta the show.

First match Brother love vs Anton Leveigh

Brother Love comes out to "Soul Man" and he has PorkChop Cash with him. Brother Love is dressed like one of the Blues Brothers and is carrying a briefcase. Porkchop has this huge white beard. Anton Leveigh comes out looking about the same as when I saw him last year. The camera cuts to the start of the match. The two guys circle each other then lock up. Anton sends Brother Love to the ropes,and on his way back Love hits a good shoulder tackle. Love gets Anton in a side headlock. But Leveigh breaks it and sends Love to the ropes again. Love hits another big shoulder tackle. They lock up again,and for a third time Leveigh sends Love to the ropes. Then Anton leapfrogs Love,then does a drop down. And finally hits a jumping spin kick. Which drops Love to the mat. Anton hits 2 arm drags and a nice looking dropkick. And Brother Love rolls outta the ring. The crowd taunts Love and he yells for them to shut there mouth. Love rocks Anton with punches then throws him to the ropes. And Porkchop trips Leveigh. Love takes advantage of this and rakes Anton's eyes across the ropes. Then hits a stiff clothesline. Love goes for the pin but Leveigh kicks out a two. Love scoop slams Anton. Criss crosses the ring then hits a legdrop and a kneedrop. Again Anton kicks out a two. So Love starts to choke Anton. The ref makes him break on the 5 count. Love starts to argue with the ref. Love then hits a good suplex on Anton. And again he goes for the pin. But Anton kicks out at two again. Love body slams Anton and goes to the corner. He climbs up to the second rope. And goes for a leg drop. But Leveigh rolls outta the way. Both men are laying on the mat and the ref starts a 10 count. They get up and trade punches. Love throws Anton into the corner and lifts him up to the second rope. Loves goes for a second rope superplex. But Anton shoves him off. Anton then does a second rope frog splash. The ref and Anton are distracted by Porkchop. And Porkchop slides the briefcase into Love. Who hits Anton with it. And finally Love gets the three count. We go to commerical while Love dances around the ring to "Soul Man". Fun match.

Match 2

Whiskey Hangover vs Capitol City Muscle

On the screen they inform us this will be video highlights. Whiskey Hangover are Ron Horn and Barry "Mr 500" Wolf. Damn I wish this was the entire match. I have seen Horn and Wolf face each other 5 times now,but have never seen them as a tag team. For some reason there is no sound . One of the CCM guys slams Wolf. Then it cuts to Horn and Wolf double teaming one of the CCM guys. And "Let the bodies hit the floor" starts playing. We get to see Whiskey Hangover beating the crap outta one of the guys from CCM. The CCM guy hits a shoulder tackle and manages to tag in his partner. Who comes in the ring and beats up both members of Whiskey Hangover. One of the CCM guys picks up Barry Wolf. While the other jumps off the top rope and hit a solid looking clothesline. And CCM gets the win. I really wish they had shown the entire match. And we get another commerical break.

We come back and Porkchop Cash and Brother Love are headed to the ring. Brother Love gets the mic. Brother Love talks about how they are the 2000 version of the Bruise Brothers. He starts cutting a promo on the son of Junkyard Dog,Mike Carter. Which causes the crowd to start booing. I didn't know that JYD had a son. Love talks about how they offered Mike a handshake and the Carter spit on Porkchop Cash's hand. Cash talks about how if Mike Carter had shook his hand he wouldn't have too beat him up. Then Cash talks about how the Bruise Brothers will take over Mississippi. Not a bad promo

Match 3

Wild Childs of the City VS Rick Morgan & Jason Mathews

Wild Childs are out first. But it seems they don't have Monty with them this time. Jason Rose grabs the mic. He ask if Jackson MS is ready for him to take his robe off and show them what the sexiest man alive looks like. Well I guess bitch tits are sexy. Morgan and Mathews come out. The crowd seems to be behind Morgan and Mathews. Morgan starts the match with Rival.Nice back and forth. Morgan tags out to Mathews. Jason hits a clothesline on Rival. But Rival gets the upper hand and tags in Rose. Mathews and Morgan do a double hip toss on Rose. But when Morgan runs at Rose,Rose pulls down the rope. Morgan goes flying to the outside. Rival goes and starts beating up Morgan. Then he finally throws Rick back into the ring. Rose tags out to Brian and the Wild Childs do a double Garvin stomp. Then Brian Rival hits 2 snap suplexs in a row. Rival then tags in Rose who does a double foot stomp on Morgan. Rose goes for the pin but Rick kicks out. Jason Rose applies a headlock. Rick throws some elbows to break the hold. Rose hits a Atomic drop followed by a swinging neck breaker. Then he tags Rival back in. Rick hits a flying elbow and tries to tag in his partner. But Rival cuts the ring off on Rick. Time for a commerical break. Well maybe not. Rose tags in and hits a rolling Samoan drop on Rick.Then Rose climbs to the top rope. goes for a leg drop but Rick rolls outta the way.Rick makes the hot tag at the same time as Rose tags in Rival. Jason Mathews hits a series of clotheslines. Both Mathews and Morgan take their guys to the corners and do the standard 10 punches. We end up with Mathews rolling up Rival . But the ref is distracted. Rose comes in and hits Mathews . Rival rolls up Mathews for the win.

Match 4

Joey Ables vs JYD's son Mike Carter. Ables is out first and is wearing a CMPunkish hoodie. Carter comes out barking to "Another one bites the dust". The crowd goes wild. Nice Carter is wearing a dog chain around his neck. They lock up and Able gets a headlock. Carter powers out but eats a shoulder tackle. Then Carter nails Able with a arm drag and a great looking dropkick. Ables rolls to the outside to recover. Mike gets a headlock. But Joey throws him to the ropes. Mike comes back and hits a hard looking shoulder tackle. Then we cut to later in the match. Able hits a belly to back suplex. And both guys are on the mat. The ref starts the 10 count and we get another cut. Carter hits a bulldog. But while both guys are on the mat,Porkchop and the Bruise Brothers come out. They hit Carter with the briefcase. And the ref ends the match. The Bruise brothers keep beating up Mike. But Anton Leveigh comes out and does his best to stop them. But he gets hit with the briefcase. And we go to commerical as Porkchop and the Bruise Brothers are beating up Mike Carter.

Match 5

Monty Warbucks vs Calvin Rose. Monty comes out to "Do you think I'm sexy" and on his way out he jaw jacks with the fans. Who boo the crap outta him. Cut and Calvin Rose is on his way out. He hits the ring and Warbucks rolls out. Rose chases Warbucks around the ring. And Warbucks caught Rose as he comes back into the ring. But Rose gets the upper hand and Warbucks rolls out again. Warbucks gets back in and gets a headlock on Calvin. Calvin throws Monty to the ropes. And Calvin hits a shoulder block,but Monty no sells it. We go to commerical as Calvin has Monty on the mat and is hitting him with punches. We come back to Calvin hitting a elbow on Monty. This gets a two count. Monty pokes Calvin in the eyes. Then he throws Calvin into the ropes. Monty hits a clothesline and starts to unwrap his wrist tape. He uses the tape to choke Calvin. But the ref catches him. Cut and Calvin throws Monty to the ropes and hits another good elbow. Monty throws a few punches but Calvin blocks them and hits a few right hands. Then the Wild Childs try to interfere. But Calvin stops them. Calvin catches Monty with a big boot to the face and gets the pin. The show ends with the Wild childs of the city in the ring all upset cause Monty Warbucks lost. And we get a nice collection of pics of the various wrestlers while Genesis's "Land of Confusion" plays.

Overall not a bad show for the first show. There was a few sound problems and sometimes the video showed some breakup. But it was a fun introduction to the MCW product.

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