Monday, December 21, 2009

I play way to many video games!

Chrono Trigger

Nintendo DS

Yes Chrono Trigger still my favorite RPG of all time. After a very sucky rerelease on the PS1,all fans of Chrono get a rerelease that is most ways is even better than the original SNES release. The basic story is a young man ,and various people he picks up along the way,try to stop the ultimate evil. After an accident they figure out how to travel through time,and visit various time periods. From the far far future to the stone age.Many different things makes this game stand out from the flood of RPGs on the market. One thing is how there really isn't any random encounters,the bane of most RPGs. Another is how once you level up enough you can do double or triple attacks in which you team up with one or two other members of your party and unless a much stronger attack.But the biggest thing that has made this game stand out,and the one that keeps me replaying it even now,is the multiple endings. Things you do in the past of future determine what ending you get. And lastly one feature that I think most RPGs should have now is New Game +. This is were after you beat the game,you can start over at the beginning but with all the levels and most of the equipment you had when you beat the game. This allows you to go through the game faster and is the key thing to allow you to get some of the alternate endings. Now the DS release has added a couple of extras that were not in either of the 2 previous releases. First is a new area you can explore,In this you end up becoming the heroes of a group of lizard/human hybrids. And you get some nice equipment. The other is the battle arena,where you train and fight your monsters against the computer or through wifi other players. A difference I noticed is that some items,and enemies have different names from the SNES release. Thankfully the major flaw of the PS1 release isn't present here. It seems cause of the PS1 release being on a CD the battles sometimes had horrid load times,but since the DS is a cart based system this version doesn't have this problem. Another nice extra is the game comes packed with a nice mini poster that on the other side has a map of the overworld.Chrono Trigger DS is one of the few games I paid full retail price for. And even now over a year since I bought it I still pull it out and play it at least a few days each month. Chrono Trigger DS earns a A+.

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