Sunday, October 25, 2009

31 days of horror Day 25

Flight of the Living Dead Outbreak on a plane

Source- New Line DVD

On a plane trip from Los Angeles to Paris,a zombie outbreak happens. This is cause by a mutated strain of malaria. Once the virus is released no country will allow the plane to land. The UN ends up sending fighter jets to shoot down the plane. So 5 survivors must make their way to the cockpit and signal the fighter pilot that there is still people alive on the plane. By the time they make it to the cockpit one of them has been bitten by a zombie. The haggard group finally makes it to the cockpit and is getting ready to signal the fighter jet,when the jet launches a missile. They do manage to signal the fighter jet,but even with the jet pilot detonating the missile it is still to late. The missile explodes close to the plane and blows a hole in the side,this sucks out most of the zombies. They finally crash land the plane near Los Vegas. They think the zombie threat is over,but it is revealed to the audience that 4 zombies are still around. This film is an obvious clone of Snakes on a plane,but with zombies replacing the snakes. And while Snakes on a Plane had a pretty big budget this film didn't . And this film is the better of the two. Sure it's predictable. But it is fun. The cast is uniformly good,and the special effects are really well done. The zombies will piss off the fans that don't like fast moving zombies. Which is something I can't understand,most horror or zombie fans will agree that Return of the Living Dead is a great film. And that is the first film I am aware of that had running zombies. But back to Flight of the living dead,Good film perfect for a rental or even buying if you find it cheap. The DVD has 2 different commentaries,one by the director and producer. And the other is by the editors of To sum it up good fun little film,that has some comedy to help it out. Flight of the Living Dead gets a C+

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