Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Class Act Warner Archive DVD


TITLE-Class Act

SOURCE-Warner Archive DVD

1992,Kid n Play had two hit movies and the studios wanted another. So take a well treaded story and insert Kid N Play.

While the House Party films are well remembered,and for good reason,this movie appears to be forgotten by most. It is rarely streaming or shown on TV. And until 2010 you had to dig  up the old VHS. 

The disc is bare bones. You get the trailer and the movie. But unlike every other Warner Archive DVD I have seen this one is Pressed.

Kid is the smart nerdy student,with Meshach Taylor as his dad. Play is the just released from Juvie prison hoodlum. Kid's parents just moved and now he will be in the same school as Play. And their first days at this sschool a mix up happens and everybody thinks Kid is "Blade" and Play is the nerd.

This follows the similar formula as their previous two films. Kid N Play get into trouble,get out of trouble,Rap and dance some. And Play is always after the ladies.

You can see that Kid has his famous High Top fade. And this is the film were he got rid of it. In a great scene where Play is trying to get Kid to look less like Urkel.

And like in House Party we get a big bully after Kid. In this film it is Wedge. Who manages to look scary while wearing a hot pink tank top and overalls. Damita is his girl who is now with Kid.

Sure this isn't some amazing comedy. But it is one I can see myself going back and rewatching once a year or so.

So come on whoever has the rights get this out on Blu Ray. Or hell 4k.

Class Act gets a B+

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