Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Stray Bullets Issue 6


TITLE-Stray Bullets issue 6

SOURCE-El Capitan Comics 

I have heard for 30 years now how great Stray Bullets was. And over those 3 decades collected a stack of the 40 or so issues. Just never really sat down read any of them. 

Seems this issue is a one and done. We meet Amy Racecar, a young girl who is in something that isn't a coma but that is the closest I can think of to what she is in. She doesn't talk or move. And in her head she is talking to God and learns that when you die you fade into nothingness. Heaven isn't waiting on you.

After years of all kinds of doctors trying all they can ,Amy's mother is at the end of her rope. So when a group of feds show up and offer to test out the new experimental Truth Machine on Amy the mother accepts. Once the machine is turned on they all see Amy in Heaven with God and learn what Amy knows about Heaven. Causing the Truth Machines inventor to jump out the window.

Momma Racecar gets mad. Grabs a knife starts attacking her daughter. Carving up her face. Then Amy regains conciousness,and kills everyones in the house. 

Amy goes on the run ,becoming a bank robber. Thanks to a FBI agent that is in love with Amy she keeps escaping. Then finally she is caught put on trial and the Truth Machine is used on her again. The world now knows what Amy knows. Heaven isn't where you go when you die. And it causes all kinds of shit to happen. 

The President talks Amy into saying she followed the machine. After this she gets offered a job. Going around talking to at risk teens. But before she can accept she rushes off to an escape pod in the White house and flies off into space.

Now haven't read the next issue I'm guessing the entire issue was in Amy's head as she lays in bed in her Not Coma. But I have no clue.

Amazing art plus a great panel layout and good writing makes this a series I now want to read all of.

Stray Bullets Issue 6 gets a A.