Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Creepers Book 1 The Piano


Weeks ago I was in my local Dollar Tree trying to find snacks,with my trips to the coast I usually buy snacks at Dollar Tree to save cash,and I saw there was a pile of these fairly short kids horror books. Averaging 100 pages and costing $1.25 I took the chance and grabbed the 4 I found on the shelves.

Days maybe weeks later the bag they were in was sorta and I did some research. I had figured they were some kids horror books made recently thanks to the Goosebumps movies doing big money. 

Nope these were UK published originally in the 90s when Goosebumps was huge.

There's the UK cover.

Some Canadian company got the rights to the 29 or so of these books. And now is republishing them with new covers and they are sold at Dollar Tree for $1.25 each. Heard they get released in batches of 5 every few months. With 10 so far being out. And yes I have found all ten.

The Piano has a family who's daughter plays piano. They find a nice one for cheap while out one day and buy it. But this is a spooky piano. One that will just start playing one of two songs.

The piano and songs have a connection to  the mother. And one night when the parents are gone and a bad storm hits the piano's songs finally reveal their warning to the kids. To not move to a new home known as Treetops.

The next day the family is recovering from the storm and all that the night before and learn during the storm the new home they were considering in Treetops was hit and the owner crushed.

Sure this is written for kids 6 to 10. If I had been that age when these were out I would have read a few and then borrowed some King or Barker from my Uncle. 

Only paying a bit over a buck for it,this made for perfect "throne" reading. Yea I am one of those that likes to read while in the bathroom. The chapters being so short they are perfect for this.

From the bit of research I did on these books seems they are aimed at  a younger audience than the Goosebumps books. So maybe once I finish these 10 I should read a Goosebumps novel see how that reads to me. I didnt mind the TV show back in the day.

Creepers Book 1 The Piano gets a C-.