Thursday, September 28, 2023

31 Days of Horror 2023 Day Negative 2 Wolves



SOURCE-Ketchup Entertainment DVD

So anytime we find a cheap horror dvd/blu ray,under 2 bucks,it gets bought and added to the "Hey here's something to watch in October pile". And thanks to Dollar Tree that pile is HUGE.

Looking at that cover I went in expecting a Twilight ripoff but with Werewolves. Instead I got a mash up of MTV's Teen Wolf tv show+The Howling.

Our lead is in  his late teens,wolfs out and kills his adopted parents. On the run as the so called Cannibal Kid,he gets tipped off to goto Lupine Ravine. A near by town.

Yep town with a pack of werewolves,lead by Jason Momoa. Seems Jason is the lead dude's real dad. His real mom killed herself right after he was born.

Lead dude and local bar owner try to recreate The werewolf transformation during sex bit from The Howling. It fails. Just cause the fur appearing on the bar owner's back is the worse CGI in the film.

While not horrible,I have seeen much much worse in some of those later Howling sequels,this isn't worth owning. At the cheap price I paid I consider this a rental.

Wolves gets a C-