SOURCE-Marvel Hardcover
Months ago a buddy gave this to me. He was heading off to start his wrestling training and gave it to me right before he left. Sure I had read Weapon X forever ago when it was coming out in MCP.
That night I sat at the bar listened to a podcast and read the first half. Realizing I hadn't read this story in a long time. Then not that long ago had to get the main car's oil so grabbed this hardcover and a few TPB. Knowing sometimes you are there 2 hours.
So back when this was coming out,every 2 weeks in Marvel Comics Presents,it was touted as Wolverine's origin. And it is and isn't.
Yes we learn how and where Wolverine got the adamantium bonded to his bones. Saw it happen.
But the thing is since this we have been told Logan has memory implants. Was this just another of those? Is so oh well this is still a great story.
Barry Windor Smith handles the story and art. Some of his best in my eyes since his Conan run. The colors really make this stand out.
Reading it every 2 weeks in 8 page chunks and now reading it all in one big book I saw not really any changes in how I digested the story.
Now yea I do wonder who the Professor was answering to. Heard back then it was suppose to be Apocolypse. I have no clue if this has been revealed.
Looked and this Hardcover is out of print and a more expensive version is the current in print version. I prefer the cover on this one.
Weapon X is not perfect but still worth reading if you have any interest in X-men at their peak.
Weapon X gets a A.