Friday, October 11, 2024

31 Days of Horror 2024 Day 11 Mardi Gras Massacre


TITLE-Mardi Gras Massacre


Feels like I have see this on video store shelves my entire life. I got a clear memory of seeing it at Video Showboat in Pascagoula,almost renting but instead grabbing something else. 

Never really bother reading reviews of this. Just figured it was another crappy 70s film like say Drive In Massacre. I was wrong. So very wrong.

Set in and filmed in New Orleans,a late 70s era NOLA,this is an odd twist on Blood Fest. Guy is killing hookers to bring back an Aztec God.

We get primative gore FX,that  I bet were a bit shocking when this was made. Piles of sleaze. And just a grimy feel to the entire film.

Then there is that soundtrack. Feels like half of it is from some greasy mid 70s porno. And the other half feels like AM radio filler.

This is one I bought a long ass time ago and it just sat on the shelf. Thinking I found it cheap at a bodega. For a bit I was finding piles of Code Red and Synapse DVDs sold at the various corner stores and bodegas. 

Looked and it appears this  is streaming on TUBI currently. And is worth seeing. 

Mardi Gras Massacre gets a B-.

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