Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Wonder Woman DVD


TITLE-Wonder Woman

SOURCE-Double Feature WB DVD

Years back when Wonder Woman came out I skipped it. Lots of it having to do with me just not enjoying most DC movies.

But yea part of it is I have never been a huge Wonder Woman fan. As a kid growing up in the 70s I saw her on Superfriends and the live action Linda Carter TV show. But when I would find her comic it was eitheer issues from the Kung fu era or she was fighting the dumbest villains ever.

Really it wasn't until her revamp after Crisis on Infinite Earths by George Perez that I really enjoyed Wonder Woman in comics. 

Add in how she was portrayed in the Justice League and then JLU sequel series I was a small fan.

Set back during World War 1 this movie from my memory of it shows Wonder Woman's origin as it was back in the pre-Crisis days.

Born from clay on Paradise Island. Heads to man's land after Steve Trevor lands on the island during WW1. And becomes Diana Prince.

What this film does so well is takes that basic story that I had been told in 8 pages in a reprint and makes it a fully fleshed out movie with 3 acts. And this was 2 hours 20 somethng minutes and didn't feel padded or bloated like most other capeshit films.

Our leads are all great in their roles. Gal is a believable Wonder Woman. I was worried cause she isn't as big as say Linda Carter was. But she makes it work. The guy playing Steve is good. Balancing comedy and heroism. And Ares oh so damn good.

Great battle scenes. The one with Wonder Woman jumping out of a trench and just runniing full force at a machine gun nest is so well shot,edited and everything.

Hearing the sequel isn't nearly as good. Got it on this DVD pack with the first one cheap.

Wonder Woman gets a B+

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