Thursday, August 15, 2024

The New Adventures of Batman The Complete Collection Blu Ray

TITLE-The New Adventures of Batman Complete Collection
SOURCE-Warner Brothers Blu Ray

I would have loved to been a kid in the past 20 years. When you got a new comic movie or tv show almost every month. Back in the mid to late 70s I was lucky if every 5 years we got a new cartoon. Which is why when this Batman cartoon debuted in the late 70s I was there every Saturday to see it. Loving Bat Mite and wondering why Bat Mite wasn't appearing in Superfriends on ABC.

Then the show stopped airing and I just forgot about it. Sometime in the late 80s had just got in my new CBG issue,Comic Buyers Guide,and in the classifieds saw someone selling COLLECTOR copies of this series on VHS. Not wanting to take a chance I passed.

Then I found this blu ray set cheap. And found the show is mixed bag to me know. It has the goofy plots of the Batman 66 tv show,which makes sense with Adam West and Burt Ward voicing Batman and Robin in this. 

Thinking this has to be the first Batgirl in animation. She is decent  in here. And very much like her Batman 66 portrayal.

With only 16 episodes they didnt go through that much of Batman's rogues gallery. You get Joker of course,and Penguin. Mr Freeze,who is one that became bigger thanks to BTAS. And a odd costume for Catwoman that I only remember seeing on this show.

As  a kid seeing this once a week and not having much else that was comic book related ot watch I loved it. Now seeing all 16 episodes over a weekend and it's flaws are very much there in your face often.

The prints used look and sound good. Only extra is a 18 minute short titled The Dark Knight Revisited. I think I have seen this before on another set. You get the same talking heads you got on all the Batman the Animated Series BTS extras on those releases.

The New Adventures of Batman Complete Collection Blu ray gets a C-.


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