Sunday, October 4, 2020

31 Days of Horror 2020 Day 04 Scary Movie

TITLE-Scary Movie
SOURCE-Netflix streaming service

Was looking for a horror/comedy to watch. Saw Netflix had this and I haven't seen it since it hit home video what 2 decades ago.

The movie is pretty much a spoof of Scream. Anna Faris is our lead. And I will give her this she is good at comedy. The rest of the cast is ok. With Shannon Elizabeth being a stand out. And Carmen Electra does great with what is pretty much a cameo,Carmen is pretty much Drew Barrymore in Scream. Sadly the younger two Wayans Brothers are in this. Marlon is ok. But Shawn is horrible. He should have stuck to being a DJ on his older brother's show.

Now being a horror/comedy there isn't a bunch of gore in the movie. But there is plenty of gross out scenes. Like when Shawn Wayans is in the bathroom at a movie theater. He spots a gloryhole and sticks his ear up to it. So of course a penis comes thru the hole and goes through Shawn's ear and comes out the other ear.

Really the best parts of the film happen near the beginning and near the end. The part when the killer stabs Carmen Electra in her breast and a breast implant is caught on the knife is pretty funny.  Then the reveal at the end that Doofy,a even dumber version of David Arquette's Dewey character,is the killer was a surprise.

Sadly this franchise was whored out until no one wanted to see it anymore. And after the second film it went from being a horror/comedy parody to being just a "Hey remember this film? Yea isn't it so funny that we also remember that film". The same trap that sadly too many parody films fall into.

Scary Movie gets a B-.

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