Tuesday, October 25, 2011

31 days of horror Year 3 extra 04

Texas Chainsaw Massacre series overview

Now most people reading this know that I am a huge fan of the TCM franchise. The original film was the first movie I ever saw. I believe that the original is the first true American entry in the slasher sub genre.

Texas Chain Saw Massacre-Released in 1974 ,this film became infamous fairly quickly. It has been called the goriest film of all time. Which is strange cause there is very very little blood shown on screen. Now sure the film starts off with a disclaimer on how the movie is based off true events. And while I was living in Texas I met many many people who claimed to have seen the actually house this "real event" happened at. But this is all bullshit. The film was inspired by stories of Ed Gein that Tobe Hooper heard from relatives who lived up north. The pacing,camera work and acting in the film are almost perfect. This is not only my favorite horror film,but one of my favorite films of any genre. A+.

The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2-Released 12 years after the original,TCM 2 is in some ways the polar opposite of the original. In this film we get lots of gore and obvious comedy. Where as in the original we got not much gore,and the comedy wasn't so obvious. Too bad we didn't get Gunnar Hansen back as Leatherface. Originally when I saw part 2 I hated it. I thought the comedy was way to forced and didn't care for the over abundance of gore. But going back now I do enjoy the film. B+.

Leatherface:Texas Chainsaw Massacre III-The only entry in the series to not be filmed in Texas. Leatherface is ,in it's uncut form, a great film. We get some great acting from Ken Foree,Bill Butler and Kate Hodge. And the  family,who now has some new members,is extremely creepy. Lots of people seem to hate the little girl,who seems to be Leatherface's daughter,but I love how in the uncut version she is the one to kill Bill Butler. In it's uncut form I would give this film a A-.

Texas Chainsaw Massacre:the Next Generation-This entry was held up for years. It sat on the shelf for at least 3  years. The story I have heard is Matthew McConaughey and Renee Zellweger were trying to keep it from being released. Cause between when the film was made and when it came out both of them had become pretty big stars. Well I can see why they didn't want it to come out. It is a horrible film. McConaughey overacts and chews all the scenery. And Zellweger doesn't do much besides cry and scream. Some of the gore FX isn't bad. And really until the out of nowhere twist in the final 20 minutes the film isn't a complete waste. But then we find out that the Sawyer family is being aided by some secret government group. This makes no fucking sense at all and is one of the major reasons I hate this damn movie. F-.

The Texas Chainsaw Massacre remake-Released in 2003,this was the first of the big slasher remakes to come out. We get some great acting by R.Lee Emery and Jessica Biel.The gore FX are well done. Plus the changes to the back story are explained well. Sure it isn't as good as the original,but it is almost as good than parts 2 and 3. B-.

Texas Chainsaw Massacre:The Beginning-A prequel to the remake,this film seems to be better received than the remake. It is mainly a good film cause of R.Lee Emery. Mr Emery is the major highlight of the film. And shows that he should be considered as a new master of the horror genre. B.

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