Wednesday, October 12, 2011

31 days of horror year 3 Comics 01

Walking Dead Compendium volume 1

For years I kept hearing about this great horror/zombie comic. But for some unknown reason I never bothered picking it up. Fast forward to last year,and The Walking Dead season 1 had just finished airing. And I loved the TV show. So I went searching for trades. I found this trade which reprints the first 48 issues of the comic. And it was only $35 with shipping.

Now first off I will be spoiling stuff. Not only in the comic but maybe in the TV show. The comic and TV show are very much alike for the first 5 issues of the comics. But in issue six we get the first of many jaw dropping scenes. Rick is out in the woods hunting with his former partner Shane. And Shane has been banging Rick's wife. Well Rick's son has followed them and sees Shane pointing a gun at his dad. So Carl shots and kills Shane.

Well over the next 7 volumes the group of survivors travel around trying to find a safe place to live. First off they find a gated community. And spend the night there,but discover in the morning that this area is infested with zombies. And they barely manage to escape. Next off they find a farm and end up staying there for a short while,but things go to shit and they end up having to leave. Then they are on the road again,almost out of gas and food. When Andrea is out in the woods hunting and discovers the perfect place for them to stay.

She finds a high security prison. They get in,find that some of the former prisoners are now living there. And they manage to kill off all the zombies inside the prison. Well the prison is well stocked with food and weapons. So the group decides to stay there. Well it turns out that one of the prisoners isn't who he says. We get some deaths. Then they see a helicopter crash not too far away from the prison. So Rick and a small group go out to investigate. They end up getting captured by a group from a nearby town. And we get to meet the big villain of this chapter of the comic. The Governor,who is a psychotic madman.

Well Rick and the group finally escape and get back to the prison. And they prepare for when the Governor will be attacking them. We find out that Rick's wife is pregnant. She has no idea if the kid is Rick's or Shane's. She has the kid,and everything seems to be going great for our band of survivors.But then the Governor attacks the prison with a tank. And while the group of survivors is escaping Rick's wife and his new child are gunned down in front of him. So the trade ends with Rick and Carl running off in total shock.

There is so much I love about this comic. The artwork is amazing. It being in Black and white adds so much to the story. The artwork is very moody and fits the story. The interaction between the group of survivors is well done. And most of them talk and act like real people. If you have seen the TV show and enjoyed it,this is a great way to get into the comic for a cheap price. The Waling Dead Compendium Volume 1 gets a A.

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