Thursday, October 17, 2024

31 Days of Horror 2024 Day 17 Snakes on a Plane


TITLE-Snakes on a Plane


Since I was a kid I loved creature features. Stuff like The Swarm or Tarantulas Deadly Cargo I would watch on WPMI and love. So when I heard about Snakes on  a Plane I was interested. 

When the film hit theaters it was a time where most movies I would just wait till they hit home video. Then rent the DVD through Netflix. By the  time it hit Netflix I was busy and just never rented it.

Over the almost 20 years since it came out I have had many chances to see Snakes on a Plane on TV. Rather not watch the film edited to shreds and packed with ads. Then earlier this year while at my new secret junkstore I found the DVD pictured at the top. And it was 50 cents.

Sam Jackson is escorting a witness to a trial. The bad guys don't want the witness to testify. So they load the plane up with piles of exotic deadly snakes.

Decent cast,with more than a few people that are known character actors/actress. And the script aint bad for a creature feature. Really the  only thing that shows this was a lower budget movie is the FX. Some of the CGI snakes look good,almost real.Then others look like crap you would see in a Sub  Rosa Studio release. And in a film  like this bad FX can really hurt it.

I did enjoy the movie. Just that this feels more like a movie that would work better seeing it in a packed theater. Instead of sitting here just me and the dog,Maggot Ass the wonder mutt.

Snakes on a Plane gets a C.

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