In early 1997 I sold off most of what I owned. Left a pile in the house. And moved two states to the west. Once out there and settled came back to see most of my old video game stuff was stolen. Just had a NES that had been stashed in the top of a hall closet.
Then not long before Xmas buddy from the comic shop told me "Look had to get my car fixed pawned my Playstation and the games. Here's the pawn ticket go pay for it and it is yours."
And that is how I ended up with a first model Playstation,3 memory cards and a stack of about 20 games. Thinking the rarest was Diablo. Over the next 2 years I would off and on buy PS1 games. Lots of the Namco collections. And stuff like that great collection of Activision Atari 2600 games.
It was also the first system since my 2600 my mother would play. Not far from where I worked was a bowling alley. I never gave a shit about bowling but they had a diner. I could go there for lunch eat and smoke 2 cigs. Plus they had 2 pinball machines,always loved pinball. And a NEO GEO Cab. Which had Metal Slug and Bust a move 2. I had gotten Bust a Move 2 for my ps1. Mom was over saw me playing it asked to try it out. And yep not long afterwards she had her own PS1 and Bust a move and a few of the Namco Collections.

Sept 99 Dreamcast comes out. I am on my way to buy one. And tire blows. Well crap my spare tire is not great. Put it on and realize what I am about to spend on the Dreamcast I need for a tire. Was a bit over a year after launch a local game store had a deal. Dreamcast,1 vmu and crazy taxi for 100 bucks. By this time had a buddy that could burn Dreamcast games. And with the system looking like it was dead in the states it wasn't hard to find games cheap.
Between the emulation discs,could do 2600 to 16 bit era pretty well,and the 4 controller ports it became the party machine. Got friends over fire up the Dreamcast and put on some games.
When Nintendo announced the Gamecube that came with the Zelda collection I got that. Played that and like the 2 X Men Legends games on it. Again it was another that got played if people were over.
Even got a PS2 for cheap. Barely got touched. I just had fallen out of video games.
Fall of 2007 I moved again. Was bored one day and walked into Gamestop looked and saw like 10 games on the DS I wanted to play. Grabbed them and a used DS and for the next 10 years that is what I played. Still got close to 100 DS games. A good stack of GBA games.
What changed it for me. Was getting a Retron 5. Now I got a system that plays 8 bit thru 16 bit. Plus first 3 Gameboys. Yea the stock controllers blow. Was easy to get Genesis and SNES controllers. I got a smallish collection of retro games. Was lucky the area I live in now didn't catch onto retro video games for a few years longer than most. So was able to build a decent collection without dropping big money.
Now pretty much all I keep hooked up is that Retron 5 back in my bedroom. Then the living room....oh I got that tv loaded.
Pandoras Box-Yea finally got one. Found one that was 40 bucks shipped. Got two kind of ok at best PS3 style controllers. When I need to kill some time fire this up and got supposedly 10,000 games to play.
NES Classic-Oddly I played the hell out of this when I first got it. Now it sits. Not sure why.
Genesis Mini-Gets played often.
Then the big thing. 2021 birthday I got the OG Evercade portable. And started getting the carts I wanted.
The Evercade is a portable and home console series of systems. They take carts. And the carts are full of licensed retro games. For example I love River City Ransom and Super DodgeBall on the NES. Those two cart only will run you 40 or more on the NES. I got Technos VOL 1 on the evercade for 20 bucks and it has those 2 plus 10 more games.
The home console evercade is the VS got that. Love it keep it hooked up the living room tv. Just a nice little system that not only has the older games but newer games made for older systems. Like the ALIENS meets SMASH TV inspired Xeno Crisis. Then 10 months the year you connect to VS to your home WIFI and get a free game. Yep the next year they collect all 10 games on the Indie Heroes vol ??? carts.
I mentioned Bust a Move in a part of this series. How my mother loved it and got a PS1 just for that. Well she wanted to play it again. Evercade put out a series of OG Gameboy looking handhelds,the Super Pockets. And they come with Taito games built in. So she got her Bust a Move to play.
As each video game generation passes I see less and less I want to play. Guessing this Evercade ecosystem is the last I will be part of.