Tuesday, October 13, 2020

31 Days of Horror 2020 Day 13 Satanis The Devil's Mass


TITLE-Satanis the Devil's Mass

SOURCE-Something Weird Video DVD

I love Something Weird Video and I love Documentaries. So when I found this SWV dvd at a near by pawn shop and I saw it had a documentary on Anton LeVay's Church of Satan I had to buy it.

This double feature DVD is loaded. You get two full movies,Satanis and Sinthia The Devil's Doll,and so many extras. Like the shorts British Black Mass and My Tale is Hot!,starring the legendary Candy Barr. Plus of course trailers and all kinds of other extras.

Filmed back in 1969.at the infamous San Franciso Black House,Satanis is a documentary all about Anton LeVay and his Church of Satan. The film makers get to enter this forbidden house of worship and film a "real" black mass.

I'm sure when this was released in 1970 people were shocked and disgusted. But now 50 years later it is pretty obvious that Anton and the rest of his church were putting on a big fake show for the camera lens.

For those that don't know sometime in the 60s Anton founded the Church of Satan. And managed to get it a sanctioned church in the US.  Sure the general public hears Church of Satan and imagines a dark room full of people in black and red,drinking blood and maybe sacrificing some animals. And of course since Anton was carny as fuck that is what he gave the crew filming him and his church for Satanis.

The thing is the Church of Satan are basically Atheist. Yep the Church of Satan doesn't believe Satan exists. They just chose the name Church of Satan to get a reaction out of the people that aren't in on the joke.

Yea so with lots of the stuff being filmed being a smoke show this isn't that great of a documentary. I would have rather seen a long sit down interview with Anton. Where he breaks kayfabe and shoots with the camera. But that wouldn't have riled up the public. And Anton loved to fuck with the general public.

If it wasn't for having another film and a pile of extras this DVD would be a rip off. Also recently this was one of the films AGFA and SWV have announced as coming to Blu Ray.

Satanis The Devil's Mass gets a D-.

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