Predator Omnibus Volume 1
Art by Various
Stories by various
After Dark Horse had a huge hit with their "Aliens" comic line they quickly scooped up the Predator franchise. The first mini is a direct sequel to the first Predator movie. Starring Arnold,He is now back in the city. And lots of strange deaths are happening. Needless to say the Predator is back and he aint happy. The second mini reprinted in this trade is Cold War,which has Arnold out in a cold cold area of Russia,and of course their is another of the Predator species there. There are 5 more stories reprinted in this hefty tome. And overall they are good to very good. The artwork is decent,nothing too flashy. And the writting is way better than most other comics based on movie properties. The trade is smaller than a normal trade,it is about the same size as your standard Manga trade. And since it is in color,the price is around $25. I got it cheaper thru Instocktrades.com. And if i ever find the next volume on sale I will pick it up.Predator Omnibus Volume 1 gets a B.