Friday, January 16, 2015

2015 Reading Challenge Book 016 Danse Macabre

2015 Reading Challenge Book 000 Danse Macabre written by Stephen King

BOOK TITLE-Danse Macabre
AUTHOR-Stephen King

Danse Macabre is King's early 80s thesis,for lack of a better word,on the history and future of the horror genre. He spends chapters talking about horror in fiction,movies,tv shows and even radio.

This is more than likely the 4th copy of this novel I have owned. I always end up losing them or loaning them out and never getting them back. One good thing is every used bookstore is loaded with King's books. And this one is easy as hell to find. I got my current copy for $1.50. And the owner,who I have known since I was 4,told me she had had this copy for years. "People just don't seem to buy his non-fiction." 

After reading this book for the who knows how many times,I now have a long list of films,books,tv shows and old time radio shows  I want to read,see or hear. After reading his critique of the original Amityville Horror film I now see it in a totally different light. King calls this film "the ultimate Yuppie horror film." And I can see why. 

If you have any interest in the history of the horror genre grab a copy of this novel and check it out.
Danse Macabre gets a 4.15 outta 5.