Tuesday, August 6, 2024

The Barbarians Blu Ray


TITLE-The Barbarians

SOURCE-Scorpion Blu ray

Oh Cannon,they never saw a hit they weren't ready to rip off. Conan was big. So Cannon wanted a Barbarian movie. Hired Peter Paul and David Paul (Known as the Barbarian Brothers) and made this cheap. It failed the Paul Twins made 2 more films then kind of faded away. Not that many years ago one of them passed.

The movie? It is your standard Conan the Barbarian 80s era rip off. Big muscle having hero,or heroes in this case. Attractive woman in little clothing as a love interest,being Eva Larue in this film. Then some crazy cult leader/magician villian,Richard Lynch in this film.

Watching this for the first time in decades,I am sure this is one of the many Cannon films I saw late at night on Showtime and TMC in the early 90s,I notice how the Paul Twins looked and were outfited in a way that made them look like live action versions of the Masters of the Universe figures that were huge in the mid 80s. Really this is a better He Man movie than the one we got so far.

The blu ray looks good sounds good. Extras is a pile of trailers. Then a commentary from Troy Howarth and Nathaniel Thompson.

Oh crap can't forget got Michael Berryman as one of the henchmen of Richard Lynch. Dude was just made for a film like this.

Out of the three Barbarian Brothers films I have seen,the other 2 being Think Big and Twin  Sitters,this is the best.Yea it's dumb. But you knew that when you looked at the cover.

The Barbarians gets a B.