Saturday, February 18, 2023

Final Faction First Impact issue #1

Back in 2020 I started hearing that the Dollar Tree chain had it's own line of action figures. 

Final Faction is this toylines name. And for a buck,recently raised to $1.25,you could get a figure or a weapons pack or even a vehicle for this Sci Fi/Action toy line.There is even a cartoon,search for Fatal Faction on Youtube.

I have picked up a few of the figures. They look cool. And if I ever saw the vehicles in  a store I would grab a few. 

Earlier this week was in a Dollar Tree not near me. Was looking at the books and saw a stack of comics in a bag. And learned Fatal Faction now has a monthly comic!

For under 2 bucks you get a 20 page comic. No ads. And the comic ain't bad. 

That is an interior page from about halfway through the comic. As you can see the art ain't bad.

Then there is the back cover showing what to expect in March with issue  2.

Now the plot. Well we are 30 years in the future. And learn that what we thought was the moon was an alien ship that got covered with dirt. Kharn is the aliens  on the moon. They are awake and want to pillage the Earth for all it's resources.

Yea not anything new. But this is a comic based on a cheap toy line. Which is made for a store known for selling stuff for a buck or less.

The comic comes in a resealable poly bag. Looking  online seems most people are finding these mixed in with the coloring books.

So Final Faction First Impact Issue#1 gets an C+ for art and a C+ for story. But over all I give it a B-. I love it when any store has comics. More comics in stores improves the chances of kids getting into comics.