Last trip I took to Biloxi,I found a really nice antique mall. Noticed 2 short boxes of comics. Lots of 90's Marvel and DC,but also found this gem. Now I started a few years ago really getting into Conan. And at the price of $1.50 I couldn't pass this up. The first story is "Swords of the South" which is part of the continuing adaptation of Robert E. Howards "The Hour of the Dragon". We have Roy Thomas writing and Gil Kane on the art chores. This 30 page story has all the classic elements of any good Conan story. Lots of backstabbing and swordplay. And it ends on a great cliffhanger. This story takes place after Conan has become King,and it seems that most people think he has died recently. The Gil Kane art is as always amazing. I would love to see this storyline reprinted by Dark Horse in B/W. After this tale we get a reprint of Conan 7. Which has Roy Thomas again as the writer and Barry Windsor Smith handling the art. It is a pretty good one and done Conan tale. And the only drawback is the paper stock that was used does show Smith art as good as it could. One of the major highlights of this issue to me,is all the old ads for various products. Like the ad for Grit. In all my years of fandom I have never seen an issue of Grit or met anyone that either sold it or bought an issue. The only negative to this issue is now I will have to hunt down the other 4 issues in the Giant Size Conan run. But overall this was worth way more than I paid. Giant size Conan 4 gets a B+.