Friday, October 23, 2020

31 Days of Horror 2020 Day 23 Child's Play 2019


TITLE-Child's Play 2019


So last year the Child's Play remake came out. I heard it was decent but hadn't seen it. Then earlier this year I saw the DVD was fairly cheap so grabbed a copy. And like happens often with me happened. I will buy a film and then it just sits on the shelf for months/years. This time it was a little different. The day I got the dvd I put it in and watched the first 30 minutes. Got a phone call and had to leave.Skip ahead and I see the film is now on Hulu. Realizing I didn't remember anything I saw the first time I started the film at the beginning. 

Set in the modern day this remake takes the bare bones of the original film and updates it to modern times. This time Chucky is a Buddi doll. That interacts with all the electronics Kalson produces. I'm guessing Kalson is just a renamed Apple,mostly cause their products appear to be over priced junk.

Aubry Plaza plays the mother. She has just moved and is trying all she can to help her son,Andy has a hearing loss. Which really never plays much into the film oddly. One day at her job Aubry has a customer return a Buddi doll cause it has the wrong hair color. When she learns the doll will be shipped back to the warehouse and destroyed she blackmails her boss into letting her have it.

At first Andy isn't that into his new toy. But fairly quick Chucky becomes Andy's best friend. But what Andy and his mom don't know is that Chucky had all his safety protocals removed at the factory by a worker. So once Andy meets some new friends ,who show him Texas Chainsaw Massacre II,Chucky starts to recreate what he saw in TCM II. 

Chucky kills the family cat,cause it has scratched Andy. Then once Chucky realizes that Aubry's boyfriend is a douchebag,well Chucky follows the boyfriend home and kills him. Then delivers the boyfriend's head to Andy. Andy and his new friends try to dispose of the head but through a bunch of odd twists the head ends up wrapped up like a birthday present. And ends up in the apartment of an elderly lady who's son is a police detective.

So as you can see this film isn't just a straight up copy of the original. Besides being updated to reflect modern tech,it also ups the gore levels. And really ups them. I don't remember any of the Child's Play films having as much gore as this film.

Plaza is really good as the mom. The kid playing Andy isn't bad at all. But the star of the film is Mark Hamil as Chucky's voice. 

What sucks is the ending of the film sets up a sequel. But this film didn't do that great at the box office. So I doubt we get a sequel.

Child's Play 2019 gets a B-.