Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2
Nintendo DS
I was a big fan of both of the X-men Legends and the original Marvel Ultimate Alliance games. Even if all three were not much more than a updated version of arcade classic Gauntlet with Marvel heroes instead of the standards of fantasy gaming. So when I heard about Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2 coming out I knew I would have to pick it up. Well turns out the only gaming system I own that it came out for was the DS. I figured no biggie,I play my DS more than any other system I currently own. So off I go to my local Gamestop and after trading in a game that I hated I got this for about $15.First the good things. The graphics and sound is really good for a DS title.All the heroes/villains look like they should.Second the line up consisting of Thor,She Hulk,Iron Man,Sentry,Ms Marvel,Venom,Green Goblin,Hulk,Spider-man,The Thing,Storm,Luke Cage,Captain America,Wolverine and Invisible Woman,is a decent selection of heroes/villains. And there is alot more that you see in the game but can't play as.The storyline which is a mish-mash of the recent Secret war,and Civil War stories from the comics, is not too bad. I also enjoyed that after the first couple of missions you have to choose to be on Iron Man's pro registration side,or Cap's con registration side.The controls are also as good if not better than the previous 3 games in this series. But even with all that is good with this game the negatives far out weigh the positives. First of all there is multiple times were you will walk half way into a wall,or some other thing on the playfield. Second there seems to only be one level of difficulty. And last and the worst is the length of the game,on the first play through I choose Cap's side and it took me about 5 hours total to beat the game. So next play through I choose Iron Man's side and it took about the same amount of time. So to completely play through the game takes around 10 hours tops. Not nearly long enough for a game that retails for around $30.And besides not being able to choose certain heroes/villains there really isn't much difference in the game based on which side you choose. I am currently trying to decide if I should trade this game in,or give it to my cousin's boy who loves the Marvel heroes. So Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2 for the DS gets a C+.