Tuesday, October 17, 2017

31 Days of Horror Day 17 The Fear

TITLE-The Fear

Back in the mid 90s most of my weekends were spent drinking with a group of friends while we watched piles of DTV horror movies. We had a mutual friend that managed the local Blockbuster video. So we got free rentals. One of those times we rented The Fear. Which is a movie,like Witchouse,that I forgot about until I got the DVD release.

Richard is training to be a shrink. So he sets up a weekend of fear therapy. Which is meant to help a bunch of friends learn how to handle their phobias.All is good until Morty,a wooden mannequin,comes alive and starts killing people.

Now this is a low budget DTV horror,so don't go in expecting amazing FX work. The acting is pretty decent. The FX work is decent. And I guess this movie did pretty good. Since a sequel was made.

I liked the idea of a mannequin being the killer. And the work put into the mannequin costume is pretty damn good.What I didn't notice until this watching of the film is horror rap group Gravediggas has a song on the soundtrack. Back when this came out I had no idea who Gravediggas were. But now I do.

The Fear gets a C+.

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