Saturday, July 23, 2011

Captain America the first Avenger

I have been a huge Captain America fan since I was really little. I think it was his appearence on the "Spider Man and his amazing friends" cartoon,plus the 2 late 70's made for TV movies that sparked my early interest in Cap.So when I started hearing in the late 80's about a Captain America film that was coming to theaters I was very very excited. Well as you know this film never hit theaters and went straight to video. Well I went out the day the VHS was released and spent about $80 for it. And the film turned out to be horrible. From the rubber ears on Cap's cowl to the Italtion Red Skull the movie was a perfect shitstorm. Well I figured I would never see a good Cap movie. Then a few years ago I started hearing about a new Cap film. I didn't have high hopes for it. And when Chris Evans was cast as Cap my hopes dropped even further. Well I drove down to Biloxi on July 18th so I could get a chance to see Cap at a decent theater. So I went opening night to a great theater to see the film. Showed up wearing my Cap shirt and hat.

Captain America the first Avenger is the origin of Cap. It tells the story of how a 4F Steve Rogers is injected with the Super Soldier Serum and becomes the perfect human.  But before the serum can be used on more people a spy runs off with the last test tube of it. So Steve goes after the spy. But in the pursuit the serum is destroyed. Plus the spy has killed the one man that knows how to make the serum.From here we get to see the journey Steve takes that makes him Captain America. The acting from Chris Evans,Tommy Lee Jones, Hugo Weaving and Hayley Atwell is great. Jones is great as the army leader that at first doesn't want Steve but warms up to him later one. Atwell is a beautiful Peggy Carter and does good with her role. And Chris Evans impressed me as Steve Rogers and Captain America. Before this film all I can remember seeing Evans in was the Fantastic Four films. While he was one of the few highpoints of those films ,that is kinda like saying he is the best turd in the septic tank. But in this film he proved to me he can handle a role that calls for action and comedy. Hugo Weaving made a grear Red Skull. He is menacing and powerful in the role. The FX ,besides some wonky CGI that is used to make Evans look scrawny,is overall good to great. And the story ,which seems to be a blend of 616 Cap and Ultimate Cap is good. It explains lots of stuff for the members of the audience who aren't familier with Cap. But also includes plenty of Easter eggs for all the geeks,nerds and fanboys. The ending is perfect and sets up for the Avengers film that is coming out next summer. And like all the Marvel movies of the past 5 or so years there is a extra "scene" after the credits. Now I usually sit through the credits with every film. Mainly cause I like seeing who did what in the film. This time we get treated to a trailer for the upcoming Avengers film. And the highlight of it is a quick shot of Hawkeye in his costume. Captain America is so far my favorite of all the Marvel movies that started back years ago with Blade. Captain America the First Avenger gets a almost perfect A.

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