Sunday, January 10, 2010

Grandmasters of Wrestling Volume 2

Grandmasters of Wrestling Volume 2
Distributed by Digiview Entertainment
Volume 2 of the best selling wrestling DVD series,and it starts off with what is called a "musical Intermission. Which has Nikolai Volkoff VS Classy Freddie Blassie. Volkoff starts singing "Hava Nagila". Which of course the crowd eats up. And Blassie enters the ring sits down and sings "Pencil Neck Geek". Freddie is wearing a Monday Night War shirt and a jacket that looks like he stole it from the Baycity Rollers. Crowd enjoys this song too.
Now onto the first match of volume 2,Bam Bam Bigelow VS Nikolai Volkoff. Bam Bam is out first and looks a lot like he did during his second WWF run. Announcer informs us that this match has an 1 hour time limit,but since the DVD is only 1 hour and 5 minutes I doubt this match will go to the time limit. Volkoff looks flabby and way outta shape. But Bam Bam looks like he usually does. Not sure who is the face/heel in this match. Volkoff after his singing would be my choice for face. But crowd looks bored with this match. Double disqualification,and I really couldn't care. The match was bad,and sadly has been the best match so far on either volumes 1 or 2.
Backstage interview with Iron Sheik. Sheik it turns out is the Macabee Champion. He starts talking about all his Intelligent Jew fans. Sheik rants and raves in that way that only Sheiky can. He is wearing his Olympic singlet and a mid 80's WWF shirt. Sheik does his Persian club routine. And even challenges to Mighty Macabee to try out the clubs.Oh shit Sheik removes his shirt and he is so fat his belly button looks like a mini-cock.
Next up is Mighty Macabee vs Iron Sheik for the Macabee World title. Sheik comes out first with a manager and Iron Mike Sharpe. I do mark for the Ayatollah being on Sheik's flag.OK seems like the Sheik will do the club routine again.N Sheik mentions those "intelligent Jews" again. Sheik sings the Iranian National Anthem. And the crowds lets out a long sigh of boredom. Then he starts swinging the clubs and some goofball is counting,and Sheik does 100 of them. Now it is time for the Hulk Hogan of Macabeeian Championship wrestling to enter the ring,THE MIGHTY MACABEE. Who wears a singlet with a star of David on it,a mask,and carries a fencing foil.Maybe I will get lucky and he is a very skilled luchadore.A Masked Fencing Jewish Lucadore,but I have no such luck. Macabee seems to have at least been trained.HAHA he starts doing very Hulksterish poses. Sheik's manager keeps interfering and so he is escorted by security back to the lockeroom.Lots of stalling from Sheik. And Patera gets up from the ringside table and starts giving advice to Macabee. I hope it's "Never throw a boulder through a McDonald's window." Sheik pulls something outta his tights and hits MM square in the head. This causes The Mighty Macabee to end up outside the ring. Sheik follows him out and gets knocked down with a chair shot to the head. Macabee runs around the bleachers slapping hands with kids and doing more Hogan poses. They both get back into the ring and Macabee puts a sleeper on Sheik. Iron Mike enters the ring and hits Mighty with a chair. Macabee hits the mat and the bell is rung. Ref rules that Macabee wins by DQ. But MM gets on the mic and demands the match continues. He wants 5 more minutes with no DQs and if Mac loses he will take off his mask. I figure that Macabee will win the title,and end up being right. Maccabee goes and celebrates with the crowd,in which it is rumored is a very young David Bixenspan.While this volume was better than volume 1,it was some of the interviews that made it so. The ring action was still pretty bad. Grandmasters of Wrestling Volume 2 gets a C.

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