Monday, April 15, 2024

Stormwatch Post Human Division Volume 3


Ahh Stormwatch the little Wildstorm comic that kept going for so long.

Been a Stormwatch fan for a bit now. Read the Ellis run. Read all of the DC NEW 52 run. So all I had left was Stormwatch Team Achilies and Stormwatch Post Human Division.

Months back I read the first 3 issues of the PHD run and enjoyed them. Then found the above pictured trade cheap. This trade collects issues 13 thru 19 of PHD.

The world has been almost destroyed by supers. Stormwatch is back in the sky,Jackson is back running it and trying to save as many people as he can. While using what is left of Stormwatch to protect what is left of mankind. 

This feels a lot like the run Warren Ellis had. Big huge threats that last at most 2 issues. Little hints early on for what will happen issues down the road. And  a few nice callbacks to previously mentioned minor things.

Nice art that is easy to digest while helping push forward the story. Not an overbundance of 2 page splashes.

And now I want to go get the rest  of the TPBs covering this era of the Wildstorm universe.

Stormwatch PHD vol 3 gets a A-.