Tuesday, January 23, 2024

American Lowrider DVD Review


TITLE-American Lowrider aka Perfect Sunday Aka Lean like a Cholo


Thanks to streaming so many are selling off their DVD/Blu Ray collections. Which means the market is flooded. One of my local sources for used media has a big shelf of dvds/blu rays/cds/vhs. Buck each buy 10 get 1 free. 

I was in this place recently had found 7 dvds I wanted so was looking for 3 more to hit the 10 mark. Saw the above cover and figured what the hell take a chance on what appeared to be a b-level comedy.

Plot is simple our leads are three brothers who live with their parents. Early in the film they get challenged to a low rider bounce off and lose. They dont  have the money to pay off this lost bet,but a local "wise guy" pays it for them and they got a week to repay the wise guy. The film is a remake of "Friday" but this time with an all hispanic cast.

So looking at the cover you would expect Danny Trejo to have a huge role...I knew better. Knew that after he became a name he would appear in low budget films for small parts. Usually be on set for a day and get about 15 minutes of screen  time. I am betting Danny was on set for at most 2 hours,cause his screen time is at most 3 minutes and almost all of that is in one scene early on.

And as you can see up near the top this movie had 3 titles. I started off as Perfect Sunday. Made in 2010 this film sat on the shelf. No distribution. A company that specialized in films aimed at the growing Hispanic market was going to distribute the film but wanted a title change. So for a short bit this film was known as Lean like a Cholo. Still no distribution. But in 2013 RedBox wanted some exclusive titles and so they put it out and that is when it got the American Lowrider title.

Which is an odd title cause after the bounce off in the first 10 minutes low riders aren't part of the film.

How much you enjoy this will depend on how much you like low budget comedy. Yea half the jokes fail. But I still enjoyed this. And it is one I doubt I watch again in the next five years.

American Lowrider gets a solid C.